
SportsMedEdu is the first educational community in Greece that has as its primary orientation exclusively the provision of continuing education in sports medicine regarding the diagnosis, rehabilitation, and prevention of injuries

The team

The SportsMedEdu team comprises of Sports Doctors, Orthopedists and Physiotherapists with postgraduate education in Sports Medicine and experience  teaching. It is supported by distinguished scientists in their field with expertise in the subject matter of the educational seminars.

Kalliakmannis Alkis
Sports Physician, PhD

Kekelekis Afxedios
Physical Therapist, PhD C.

Stathas Ioannis
Physical therapist, MSc

Educational seminars 

Interaction learning in real time scenarios

At SportsMedEdu, high-level educational seminars are held to provide knowledge on the holistic approach of the professional/amateur athlete, from the initial time of injury to the return to sports. Great emphasis is also placed on diagnosing and preventing sports injuries. The unique innovation of our educational seminars is their interactive learning in real time scenarios

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